
Posts Tagged ‘Homosexual Activism’

I want to briefly discuss two events that occurred in the past 5 years in Lexington, Massachusetts.  First, a couple short years ago, in Lexington, at Estabrook, the elementary school that I can see from my backyard, the very school that I attended when I was a wee child, a very controversial issue and event occurred.  A second grade teacher read the children’s book, “King & King.”  In this book, the prince marries another prince, instead of the princess.  A mother of one of the students in the class was outraged, claiming “by presenting this kind of issue at such a young age, they’re trying to indoctrinate our children.  They’re intentionally presenting this as a norm, and it’s not a value that our family supports.”  The Superintendent said that the school was not legally obligated to notify all parents about the book and said “we couldn’t run a public school system if every parent who feels some topic is objectionable to them for moral or religious reasons decides their child should be removed…Lexington is committed to teaching children about the world they live in, and in Massachusetts same-sex marriage is legal.”  (more…)

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