
Posts Tagged ‘law making’

As I was doing research for my paper tonight (looks like it’s going to be hot off the press), I went to a dictionary website and typed in “reproductive self-determination” to make sure that I had a concise understanding of reproductive human rights issues.  There were no search results, but the several “related” links that popped up were all something to the effect of “How To: Perform your Own Coat Hanger Abortion.”

Okay, so no, that’s not an accurate representation of what reproductive self-determination really is, and the fact that that’s what the internet/many people’s minds jump to infuriates me. One specific aspect of reproductive self-determination does include the right to an individual’s choosing the number and spacing of children, but that is in no way the whole picture.  From my understanding, reproductive self-determination is centered on an individual’s right to educated decision-making regarding the control of one’s reproductive functions and reproductive healthcare, among many other basic rights. The link also made me angry because women continuously have to fight for reproductive self-determination and free themselves from male legislators’ policing of their bodies. However, this is obviously not solely a women’s issue; it also has huge implications in the trans community.  I don’t know of any trans legislators making rules surrounding their own bodies, let alone policing those of others.

Finally, assuming that reproductive self-determination only applies to heterosexual women in search of abortion resources reinforces the reduction of women down to their reproductive organs, rather than functioning as a tool of empowerment and giving them back (as the term intends) the right to their own bodies.

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