
Posts Tagged ‘South Dakota’

This past week, Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a law that makes women who want an abortion wait for three days from the initial doctor’s visit to actually have the abortion.  During these 72 hours, the women must go to pregnancy crisis centers and undergo “counseling” sessions.  From what I have read,* there are only one or two locations in the entire state of South Dakota where abortions are even offered, making it even more difficult for women to get legal, safe abortions.


The part of the law that I am most interested in (and if anyone can find out specific information about it I would be very grateful) is what happens during the 72-hour waiting period.  Does this waiting period apply to mothers whose health is in danger?  What kinds of pregnancy crisis centers’ services is this law mandating?  Pregnancy crisis centers offer a wide variety of services, from the obvious- a pregnancy test, consultation with a physician, explanation of options, distribution of baby supplies- to others that seem less humane- showing women pictures of aborted fetuses without their consent or requiring ultrasounds (with the plan that women who see their fetuses will be less likely to have an abortion).  Some have heavy religious influences and advise women that their only options are to marry the father or to opt for an adoption.  Which pregnancy crisis centers are approved to offer counseling during this 72-hour waiting period?  How many hours does a pregnant woman have to be counseled before she can have an abortion?  Is it really effective and responsible to profoundly inconvenience someone who does not want to be pregnant and encourage her to carry a child against her will, knowing that she will likely have to care for this child for the next 18 years?


*I have looked into several news sources for more information, but this is the main idea: http://www.npr.org/2011/03/25/134855087/in-south-dakota-abortion-fight-goes-on


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